Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
hall crash
by intrigue169 ini live in the des moines iowa area , i would be interested in doing a kingdom hall crash after watching some on youtube, i would love to do that with a group of people.
i haven't meet any other ex jw around here.
i was never baptized, i always knew i could never live up to jehovah's standard so i never did even consider baptizing.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think with all this bad publicity the Watchtower if getting on the internet, selling off all their very valuable property, robbing all the congregations of all their surplus funds in bank accounts, bethel layoffs, drastic reductions in printed material offered to public and much more. I would think a few kingdom hall crashes might do far more good than harm. People are curious and I'm sure it will make for some gossip and passing a long what was said at such crashes.
Reassigned, complete erasure from memory and near poverty.
by Lostandfound ina complete scandal is the reassignment to nothing of the thousands (?
) of bethelites, over age cos etc, .
out on the street atfter decades of unpaid service in very many cases.
Brokeback Watchtower
The only retirement plan the Watchtower has for those who have taken a vow of obedience and poverty is reassignment to the field work. Click on scan and read a revised vow 2002 to free the Watchtower corporation from any financial liability toward those devoted to corporation service. What a bunch evil cheap manipulative bastards who have no soul drunk on corporation Jehovah juice.
RC Lowell Mass (USA)
by loneranger inconvention in lowell mass june 15-17 2018...about 4500 in attendance...11 baptized (0.24%)...believe about 6 of those were kids of current jw's..
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
Brokeback Watchtower
Take your time, I hope I sparked your interest in the subject and you take a closer look at some of the ideas expressed. It's a deep subject that many people are interested in.
The mystics have been saying thousands of years that everything is just one thing. Or as Ken Wilber says: 'just one taste'.
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
Brokeback Watchtower
Monism attributes oneness or singleness (Greek: μόνος) to a concept e.g., existence. Various kinds of monism can be distinguished:
Priority monism states that all existing things go back to a source that is distinct from them e.g., in Neoplatonism everything is derived from The One.[1] In this view only one thing is ontologically basic or prior to everything else.
Existence monism posits that, strictly speaking, there exists only a single thing, the Universe, which can only be artificially and arbitrarily divided into many things.[2]
Substance monism asserts that a variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance.[3] Substance monism posits that only one kind of stuff exists, although many things may be made up of this stuff, e.g., matter or mind.
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
Brokeback Watchtower
To a persons with very little knowledge of physics everything could sound like mumbo jumbo, it did to me 20 years ago.
So I would suggest that persons who interpret psychics as a bunch of mumbo gumbo should realize that governments are spending billions of dollars to find out answers to these very questions about the universe. So it can't be all mumbo gumbo just because you don't understand anything he says except some little sound bites you were able to comprehend but rather poorly. Don't think that he was throwing fact around to impress people with his knowledge.
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
Brokeback Watchtower
While at it I like to bring up the Many worlds interpretation:
The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts the objective reality of the universal wavefunction and denies the actuality of wavefunction collapse. Many-worlds implies that all possible alternate histories and futures are real, each representing an actual "world" (or "universe"). In layman's terms, the hypothesis states there is a very large—perhaps infinite[2]—number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes. The theory is also referred to as MWI, the relative state formulation, the Everett interpretation, the theory of the universal wavefunction, many-universes interpretation, multiverse theory or just many-worlds.
The original relative state formulation is due to Hugh Everett in 1957.[3][4] Later, this formulation was popularized and renamed many-worlds by Bryce Seligman DeWitt in the 1960s and 1970s.[1][5][6][7] The decoherence approaches to interpreting quantum theory have been further explored and developed,[8][9][10] becoming quite popular. MWI is one of many multiverse hypotheses in physics and philosophy. It is currently considered a mainstream interpretation along with the other decoherence interpretations, collapse theories (including the historical Copenhagen interpretation),[11] and hidden variable theories such as the Bohmian mechanics.
RC Lowell Mass (USA)
by loneranger inconvention in lowell mass june 15-17 2018...about 4500 in attendance...11 baptized (0.24%)...believe about 6 of those were kids of current jw's..
Brokeback Watchtower
The % should only get smaller and smaller. With the bad news and scandal cover ups of the WT corporation all over the internet.
Universal sovereignty on trial
by Factfulness ini just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think non dually speaking, everything is just one thing and consciousness is it, that's all there is just that. The physical brain is more or less a antenna that receives and broadcast to the universal mind or consciousness for what ever reason. What we perceive as objects are all holograms inside a one or two dimensional sphere. Thus everything is connected because even a small piece of the hologram has information about the whole hologram.